Wednesday, April 8, 2015

5 Things

I can't really think of much to write today.  I started a blog yesterday that was supposed to be a 10 minute one, but it ended up lasting several hours and it's still not done, so that will be a future Eat.Poop.Live post.  That's how it goes sometimes.  And truthfully, I'm really, really struggling with this 10 minute business.  I should have at least given myself 15 minutes.  So, in the spirit of staying within my time frame today, I'm going to list off my 5 favorite things. 

1. Love Boat Brownie Batter Ice cream.  This is a tough favorite, since it is only available in Fort Myers, Florida.  I've had ice cream at other ice cream shops since coming back from our Florida trip in February, and they have paled in comparison.  They were so bad, in fact, that I've actually kind of lost my craving for ice cream.

2.  Cooper.  I love him.  He is my most favorite little dog, and I can't imagine life without him.  I remember back when I had my three dogs, and I thought that Cooper was the most boring of them all.  He wasn't as loyal as Lady, and he wasn't as goofy as Brie.  Poor Cooper just kind of fell by the wayside.  Now that he is here all by himself, I realize what a delight he truly is, and I hope that we've got a few more good years left together.

3.  Simon.  Of course Simon would make the list.  I hope he's not too upset that he's on the list below ice cream and a dog...hahaha!  It's true that I cherish just about every minute I get to spend with him, even when he's gassy and toots under the blanket.  Oh wait, that's me.  Let me rephrase...I love him because he loves me pretty much all the time, even when I'm gassy and tooting under the blanket.  Sometimes I blame it on the dog, but most of the time it's actually me.  Haha!

4.  Warm towels out of the dryer.  Truly, is there anything that feels better than the feel and smell of warm, clean towels?  My mom has a goofy little dog who shares my sentiment...she goes crazy when the towels are pulled from the dryer, just waiting for the them to be put down somewhere so she can bury herself in them.  I love seeing that kind of's pure and innocent and completely unrestrained.

5.  Mexican Mocha from Late for the Train.  Truly, this coffee drink is amazing, and Late for the Train has it dialed in.  It's creamy and chocolately and that hint of cinnamon and spice gets my taste buds singing.  It's the perfect warm, hunker-down drink now that the spring winds have arrived in Flagstaff.  I wish I had one right now.  But I hate the wind, so I'm staying inside.

So those are 5 of my current favorites.  And I finished within my 10 minute time frame!  For the very first time!  I still think I should have done 15.  ;)   

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