Saturday, May 9, 2015

Running Out of Excuses? Nah...That'll Never Happen!

I was supposed to run a 5k this morning.  Bright and early, out in the woods with a bunch of other runners from the Flagstaff community.  And then it snowed 4 inches last night.  And it was 28 degrees this morning when I was supposed to be leaving the house to get my butt to the race start.  So I stayed in bed.  In my warm, cuddly bed with the glorious heated mattress pad.  And I didn't feel bad about it.  Well, maybe a little. 

I have a really hard time motivating myself to get out and run.  I thought that joining a run club here in town that meets once a week would get me out.  It doesn't.  I've gone once.  I thought that signing up for 9 races this summer in Flagstaff might motivate me to get out and run.  I skipped my first race.  Granted, given that I have conditional issues with running in the first place, running through the snow and mud in sub-30 degree weather is the epitome of the perfect storm to keep me indoors.  That and I went out and had beers with friends last night.  Why do I always do that?  The last two races I've ran, I drank more alcohol than usual the night before.  When I ran that 15k in Minneapolis back in April, I had an entire bottle of wine the night before.  Who does that?  Only an idiot like me, apparently.

So here I sit, in my sweatpants, typing on my computer and obsessing over this school bus idea that Simon and I can't seem to let go of.  I'm going through my stuff, separating things into piles of items that are worth selling, things that are going to the Goodwill, and things that I'm setting aside for friends and family who might want them.  It's an arduous task.  But given my love of organizing things, I'm gleefully looking forward to it.  There's a high that comes along with purging belongings that are taking up space and are no longer needed.  It's better than any runner's high I've ever had.  And therein lies yet another excuse.  If purging my belongings makes me feel better about my present condition than running through the muck does, then I'm going with it.

I'll go for a run tomorrow.  Maybe.  I'm supposed to go to a work party tonight, so there's that whole alcohol drinking thing again...hahaha!  I'm so glad I'm not one of those people who feel guilty about not exercising.  :) 

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