So, I'm in the car this morning on my way home from work, and on the radio is the song 'Happy.' I know a lot of people are sick and tired of hearing that song, destroyed as it was by the radio stations like any song that happens to be unique or creative. Being someone who doesn't listen to radio all that much, I'm indifferent to it. But I'm also irritated by it for reasons that have little to nothing to do with the song itself.
I remember a few months back when one of those marriage proposal videos went viral. The one in particular I'm referencing is the one where the guy asks his girlfriend, unbeknownst to her, to marry him every day for an entire year. If you haven't seen it, here it is. Fair warning, it's 15 minutes long. 15 minutes of a guy dancing, eating, working out, singing into his toothbrush microphone, and lip syncing along to some songs, 'Happy' being one of them, all the while asking his gal to marry him via notes on a whiteboard.
And while it's cute and sappy and probably melts the hearts of girls everywhere who would give anything to have a guy like that take the time, energy, and thought to go through with such an elaborate proposal, I can't help but be slightly repulsed by the whole thing. Sappy, I am not. Sentimental, maybe...but Christ-in-a-sidecar...if I was the marrying kind (I'm not), and Simon were planning on proposing to me (he's not), and I found out that it took him purposefully a year to do it (he wouldn't), I'd probably want to punch him. Really? A whole year of proposals? It's not like he needed the entire year to decide if he actually wanted to propose or not...that part was already taken care of. In fact, I can't think of anything that needs to be drawn out ambiguously for a year's time. Shit or get off the pot. Hopefully Simon isn't deleting his own marriage proposal video as he reads this...hahaha!
So wasn't the radio that ruined 'Happy' for me, it was the sappy, pasty, white dude in the too-tight shirt who took 365 days to ask one simple question. I'm such a harpy.
Elaborate proposals make me gag. Based on a poll I just performed on myself, 100% of respondents agree that 95% of marriages that began with an elaborate, video taped, and social-media shared proposal end in a catastrophic divorce. #cantwaittoseechrisbrownsproposaltho