Saturday, August 22, 2015

Last Run of the Season

This morning marked the last of my summer runs here in Flagstaff.  I was supposed to finish off strong with a 15k in the pines north of Flagstaff, but I wimped out and dropped down to the 5k instead.  It was a good race nonetheless, and while I finished slightly slower than my last 5k, this was the first race I've done this summer where I was actually aware of passing other people.  Usually I'm the one getting passed throughout the entirety of any given race I'm in.  Perhaps my few days at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon last week got me used to being active at 8,000 feet.  Whatever the reason, I had a good race, I enjoyed myself, and I'm looking forward to doing the summer series again next year.  Given that it was my last race, I've had some time to reflect on my running goals for the upcoming year.

I'd really like to get back to run club.  And by get back to run club, I mean go more than just one time.  I find the runners here in Flagstaff so incredibly intimidating, as I've mentioned in my previous blogs.  And honestly, I just run at my own pace, and that's good enough for me most of the time.  However, sometimes at run club they run relay races, and I'm then forced to be on a team with people I don't know.  Which is fine, I'm open to meeting new people, but I would feel terrible if I was the slowest one in the relay.  Run club isn't supposed to be competitive, but it is nonetheless.  I don't know that anyone would necessarily go out of their way to make me feel bad about my pokey pace, but knowing I was slowing them down would bother me.  So maybe I just need to go on nights when there are no group activities.  Start there, and work my way up to the group stuff.  First I have to go...that would be a good place to start.

I want to sign up for the Summer Series again, only this time I'm signing Simon up too.  I will have a built-in run buddy, someone to pace me, and someone to give me confidence to talk to strangers.  Seems so silly that I'm intimidated by strangers, but there it is nonetheless.  At least if the strangers reject me and think I'm a weirdo, I'll still have Simon.  He hasn't rejected me yet for being a weirdo.

I'm still planning on doing some races in other locations as well.  I like traveling to cities with the intention of running through them.  It's a neat way to see the city, and it gives me an excuse to get some exercise since eating is pretty much paramount to any trip that I take.  I was bummed this year that we cancelled our trip to Vancouver to run the SeaWheeze.  Arguably, one of the best races that I've ran.  I doubt we'll do that one next year either, since registration is on a day that we'll be traveling and it sells out wicked fast.  And, truth be told, we've already been to Vancouver...twice.  There are lots of other fun races throughout the country that would be fun to do.  I've been thinking that it would be fun to do one of the big races in San Francisco, which would give me a good excuse to get back to the Bay Area.  I miss the Bay's so beautiful, and my very good friend Dave is still there.  I miss him too.  I just found out that there is a run that takes place at the end of August at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon...definitely want to do that one.  I fell in the love with the North Rim recently on our camping trip there.  Again, beautiful location, and I think the views while running would be long as I don't get distracted and fall over the edge...that wouldn't be ideal.  I've heard there are some good races in the Florida Keys as well, so maybe I'll get that Florida trip in next year after all.  I'd also really like to go back to Minnesota next summer to run the Grandma's half-marathon along the north shore of Lake Superior.  I've always wanted to do that one, so maybe 2016 will be my year.  The calendar is potentially filling up already!!   

As far as the rest of this year, Simon and I will be running a 10k just outside of Seattle in September.  It's a race sponsored by The Oatmeal, which is a guy who does these funny little comics and has a few books out.  One of his books (which I own) is called The Terrible and Wonderful Reasons Why I Run Long Distances.  He started out as a self-described dumpy guy who couldn't run a block...and to date he competes in ultra-mararthons...50+ mile runs.  I find that incredibly crazy, but good for him for taking on that challenge.  I really like his's funny and it's been inspirational for me to get out there and run.  Well, sometimes.  When I'm not running races I don't run all that much, but I want to work on that.  My friend Ellen and I will be heading to Las Vegas in November to run the Rock and Roll Vegas Half Marathon.  In a moment of craziness we decided to add the 5k on as well, so we'll be doing two races that weekend.  The premise of the race is running the strip at night, in the dark, when all the hotels and stuff are all lit up.  I think it's going to be really cool, and I'm looking forward to hanging out in Vegas again with Ellen.  We try to do a Vegas a trip every year.  It's a fun little getaway for the two of us.  Granted, it probably won't be warm enough for us to hang out by the pool all day long, which is what we usually do, but we've got some other things planned that will keep us occupied...and get us out and walking after the half-marathon...I'm going to be a hurting unit after that one, I can already tell that.  If only I were into that whole training business...hahaha! 

Next year will be my first year since starting this whole running thing that I will not be participating in the Disney Princess weekend.  I'm a little bummed about that, and honestly almost signed up on a whim, but it's expensive and I've done it three times already...time to try another one.  I almost signed up for the Star Wars half-marathon at Disneyland, but it was $200...that's a little too expensive for my taste.  I think it would be fun...but yeah...maybe next time.  Ellen wants to go and dress up as Chewbacca...hahaha!

So was a good summer of running.  I'm glad I did the races, and I'm looking forward to doing them again next summer.  I'd like to thank Team Run Flagstaff and the Northern Arizona Trail Runners Association for putting on such awesome events for us.  :)  See you next year!!  Or at run club...whichever comes first.  :) 


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