1. Arkansas is much nicer that I would have thought. There are lots of trees, rivers, and lakes, and I hear the hiking is awesome. Can't wait to get out and do some of that. Little Rock itself has been nice as well...once we have a day off we're going to go downtown and explore.
2. I have this thing called a shopping habit, but I have myself convinced that if I have little to no credit card debt, that it's okay.
3. I think Jason Statham needs to try a role that falls outside of the badass/transporter persona. I think all of his movies probably could have been called the Transporter. Same with Kate Hudson...can she even play a role that doesn't involve her being the girl next door that every guy in the film wants to sleep with? Don't they get bored playing the same character over and over again? To be fair, I haven't a see film with either of them in it in years...the previews usually give enough away to discourage me from wasting money on a film I've most likey already seen.
4. Metallica should wrap it up and call it day. I heard a track off their new album recently and it took me back to 1997.
5. I'm currently reading the book "I'll Fly Away," a book written by prison inmates in a women's correctional facility. It is editted by Wally Lamb, who is one of my favorite authors. It's sad to hear about how 80% of these women were raped as children, or how they killed their abusive spouses in self-defense and are now serving life sentences for it.
6. I still hate to exercise. I do like to walk the dogs though, and I count that as exercise. I also live on the second floor of the apartment building, which is almost like the third because I have to go up two flights of stairs from the parking lot to get to my front door. There are also a lot of hills around here, so that's a bonus, I think.
7. I love my Jeep. Never have I paid so much money for a car, but it's worth it because I love it. Don't ever lease a car...unless you love it and don't mind paying $5,000+ extra for it in fees.
8. Billy Blanks is insane, but I do love Tae Bo...when I'm actually motivated and able to keep up.
9. I'm still disturbed by the fact that one of my dogs ate the other's poop the other day. I still wonder who did it. Brie has pretty much been ill since we got here, so I'm thinking it was her, but I don't have any proof.
10. Augusten Burroughs is brilliant. Someday I want to grow up and be just like him...without the whole gay man part...I've finally accepted that I'm a woman (and that I will never be able to pee my name in the snow) and should probably stick with that.
11. I love Nathan Lane's character in The Birdcage...one of my favorite movies, yet I still have yet to own it. I should probably get on that. I ask for it for Christmas every year, you'd think someone would get it for me one of these days!
12. I am going to go to Boston this year...twice.
13. Had I known there was going to be so many rivers and lakes in Arkansas, I would have brought the kayaks down here with us. Unfortunately, Arkansas has no travel guides that I've been able to find, which made planning for the trip difficult.
14. I had just about given up on the idea of thong underwear, and then I went out and bought some dress pants. I hate the idea of a visible panty line more than the idea of a little piece of material riding up my butt, so I purchased a couple at Target last night.
15. I wish I had the energy to sit down and journal, but I love emailing so much more that I do that instead. I'm thinking that I'm going to save all my emails, print them out and stick them in a binder instead. That way it's like a journal with outside commentary.
16. Simon and I are getting a washer and dryer and a new mattress for the bed today. I'm anticipating both with more excitement than is necessary. Four nights of bad sleep on a crappy mattress will do that to a person, especially while sleeping on pillowcase-less pillows because the pillowcases smell like gas from the scooter-leaking incident.
17. I was quite upset to learn that the best buffalo wings in Little Rock are to be found at Pizza Hut. :( Apparently they aren't big on the buffalo down here. They are big on barbeque though, which may or may not be an adequate substitute for the time being.
18. Sometimes I miss living and working in Rochester, and then I go there for an extended period of time and remember why I left in the first place. I don't think anyone in that town can speak a whole paragraph without mentioning Mayo. I think I was like that when I lived there too. Funny how getting out of there has made me see there's a great big world outside the hallways of Mayo, and that people can get really good care in hospitals all over the country without having to go to Rochester for a second opinion.
19. I'm working on getting into the habit of flossing my teeth everyday. So far I'm doing okay...I flossed everyday the first week after going to the dentist, and I've flossed everyday for the past two days, so I guess I'm doing all right.
20. Little Rock is not a smoke-free town, which sucks.
21. I am completely enthralled by black people. I want to know everything about their hair, their skin, their culture. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to go about that without sounding completely ignorant. I'm just curious, I guess.
22. Sometimes I struggle between wanting a small-town life in a little town and a big city life in Minneapolis. I wonder about the ablitiy to combine the two.
23. I miss owning a house. A friend of mine told me yesterday that she refinanced her house at an interest rate of 4.8%, dropped her mortgage term to 15 years, and is now paying $50 less a month. WHY am I not in the right place to buy a house right now?? Had I been smarter, I would have bought a house in May and rented it out to my friends Dana and Chester. I'm always a day late and a dollar short.
24. I hate the drivers here in Little Rock. If I make it out of this assignment without getting in a car accident, I'll be impressed. Anyone that knows me knows that I drive fast...I'm a grandma compared to these people. It's funny because with the whole southern drawl and the stereotypically slower pace of life down here, you'd think they'd drive slow, but that is definitely not the case. I've already been warned to stay as far from the roads as possible when they get their ice storms in February. I'm frightened.
25. If there was one food in life I couldn't live without, it would be peanut butter. I love peanut butter.
2. I have this thing called a shopping habit, but I have myself convinced that if I have little to no credit card debt, that it's okay.
3. I think Jason Statham needs to try a role that falls outside of the badass/transporter persona. I think all of his movies probably could have been called the Transporter. Same with Kate Hudson...can she even play a role that doesn't involve her being the girl next door that every guy in the film wants to sleep with? Don't they get bored playing the same character over and over again? To be fair, I haven't a see film with either of them in it in years...the previews usually give enough away to discourage me from wasting money on a film I've most likey already seen.
4. Metallica should wrap it up and call it day. I heard a track off their new album recently and it took me back to 1997.
5. I'm currently reading the book "I'll Fly Away," a book written by prison inmates in a women's correctional facility. It is editted by Wally Lamb, who is one of my favorite authors. It's sad to hear about how 80% of these women were raped as children, or how they killed their abusive spouses in self-defense and are now serving life sentences for it.
6. I still hate to exercise. I do like to walk the dogs though, and I count that as exercise. I also live on the second floor of the apartment building, which is almost like the third because I have to go up two flights of stairs from the parking lot to get to my front door. There are also a lot of hills around here, so that's a bonus, I think.
7. I love my Jeep. Never have I paid so much money for a car, but it's worth it because I love it. Don't ever lease a car...unless you love it and don't mind paying $5,000+ extra for it in fees.
8. Billy Blanks is insane, but I do love Tae Bo...when I'm actually motivated and able to keep up.
9. I'm still disturbed by the fact that one of my dogs ate the other's poop the other day. I still wonder who did it. Brie has pretty much been ill since we got here, so I'm thinking it was her, but I don't have any proof.
10. Augusten Burroughs is brilliant. Someday I want to grow up and be just like him...without the whole gay man part...I've finally accepted that I'm a woman (and that I will never be able to pee my name in the snow) and should probably stick with that.
11. I love Nathan Lane's character in The Birdcage...one of my favorite movies, yet I still have yet to own it. I should probably get on that. I ask for it for Christmas every year, you'd think someone would get it for me one of these days!
12. I am going to go to Boston this year...twice.
13. Had I known there was going to be so many rivers and lakes in Arkansas, I would have brought the kayaks down here with us. Unfortunately, Arkansas has no travel guides that I've been able to find, which made planning for the trip difficult.
14. I had just about given up on the idea of thong underwear, and then I went out and bought some dress pants. I hate the idea of a visible panty line more than the idea of a little piece of material riding up my butt, so I purchased a couple at Target last night.
15. I wish I had the energy to sit down and journal, but I love emailing so much more that I do that instead. I'm thinking that I'm going to save all my emails, print them out and stick them in a binder instead. That way it's like a journal with outside commentary.
16. Simon and I are getting a washer and dryer and a new mattress for the bed today. I'm anticipating both with more excitement than is necessary. Four nights of bad sleep on a crappy mattress will do that to a person, especially while sleeping on pillowcase-less pillows because the pillowcases smell like gas from the scooter-leaking incident.
17. I was quite upset to learn that the best buffalo wings in Little Rock are to be found at Pizza Hut. :( Apparently they aren't big on the buffalo down here. They are big on barbeque though, which may or may not be an adequate substitute for the time being.
18. Sometimes I miss living and working in Rochester, and then I go there for an extended period of time and remember why I left in the first place. I don't think anyone in that town can speak a whole paragraph without mentioning Mayo. I think I was like that when I lived there too. Funny how getting out of there has made me see there's a great big world outside the hallways of Mayo, and that people can get really good care in hospitals all over the country without having to go to Rochester for a second opinion.
19. I'm working on getting into the habit of flossing my teeth everyday. So far I'm doing okay...I flossed everyday the first week after going to the dentist, and I've flossed everyday for the past two days, so I guess I'm doing all right.
20. Little Rock is not a smoke-free town, which sucks.
21. I am completely enthralled by black people. I want to know everything about their hair, their skin, their culture. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to go about that without sounding completely ignorant. I'm just curious, I guess.
22. Sometimes I struggle between wanting a small-town life in a little town and a big city life in Minneapolis. I wonder about the ablitiy to combine the two.
23. I miss owning a house. A friend of mine told me yesterday that she refinanced her house at an interest rate of 4.8%, dropped her mortgage term to 15 years, and is now paying $50 less a month. WHY am I not in the right place to buy a house right now?? Had I been smarter, I would have bought a house in May and rented it out to my friends Dana and Chester. I'm always a day late and a dollar short.
24. I hate the drivers here in Little Rock. If I make it out of this assignment without getting in a car accident, I'll be impressed. Anyone that knows me knows that I drive fast...I'm a grandma compared to these people. It's funny because with the whole southern drawl and the stereotypically slower pace of life down here, you'd think they'd drive slow, but that is definitely not the case. I've already been warned to stay as far from the roads as possible when they get their ice storms in February. I'm frightened.
25. If there was one food in life I couldn't live without, it would be peanut butter. I love peanut butter.